
Organisation Chart

A district is an administrative division of a state. Each district in India has an officer-in-charge who represents the state governments in that area in the capacity of Collector/District Magistrate. The office of the collector, is the chief representative of government in a District. District Collectors are entrusted with a wide range of duties in the jurisdiction of the district, which generally involve :

As District Magistrate

Maintenance of law and order.
Supervision of subordinate Executive Magistracy.
Hearing cases under the preventive section of the Revenue Code.
Supervision of jails and certification of execution of capital sentences.
Arbitrator of land acquisition.
Disaster management during natural calamities such as floods, famines or epidemics.
Crisis management during riots or external aggression.

As Collector

Land assessment
Land acquisition
Collection of excise duties, irrigation dues etc.
Distribution of agricultural loans
Chairman of the District Bankers Coordination Committee
Head of the All District departments